With research revealing that nearly half (47%) of women and girls aged 14-25 worry about having their period while exercising, and 55% of girls aged 11-16 do not meet the government's physical activity guidelines, the launch of the new online resources couldn’t come at a better time.
And, according to the Youth Sport Trust, two thirds of girls haven’t received any information or education about periods during their PE lesson**, yet 32% of girls said access to sanitary products and information would improve their experience in PE when on their period*.
Bodyform's brand manager, Alexandra Fisher, believes the launch of the online hub is a move to be celebrated.
“The development of these resources, in partnership with Studio You, marks another step forward in our quest to help young women be their best selves and live fearlessly, regardless of whether they are on their period,” she said.
“It can be a difficult barrier to overcome when dealing with teen girls who may not yet feel fully comfortable with their changing bodies, but supporting teachers to arm themselves with the facts, and adopt an inclusive approach, is a good place to start.”
The educational resources have been designed to help teachers feel more confident in making their lessons comfortable for girls on their period and are available for free to all secondary schools in England via the Studio You platform.
*Youth Sport Trust, Girls Active, 2023
**Youth Sport Trust, Girls Active, 2022