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Let’s get out there!

9th May 2024

Take a stroll through our new campaign that aims to get more women active outdoors.

We’re excited to welcome you to Let’s Get Out There, our new campaign that seeks to inspire more women to enjoy the many benefits of being active outdoors. 

We know that women, in particular those from culturally diverse backgrounds, face greater barriers to accessing and enjoying outdoor spaces – whether it’s a lack of access or awareness, or not knowing what to expect. 

But spending time in green and blue spaces – from urban parks and canals, to coastal paths and forests – is great for your physical and mental health, boosting your happiness and confidence. 

What’s more, getting active outdoors might be easier than you think, and you can do it from your doorstep – it’s low-cost and you don’t need lots of gear to get started. 

Four women stretch upwards while stood side-by-side on towels in a woodland area.

So, with the fantastic support of Forestry England, Canal & River Trust and Ordnance Survey, we’re here to show that natural environments and outdoor spaces are for all women, regardless of age, background, or fitness level.  

We're also grateful to have the guidance of the The Countryside Code, which is designed to help you enjoy the outdoors safely.

"This Girl Can is all about celebrating women being active in a way that's right for them, and there are so many great ways to get active outdoors," said Kate Peers, our strategic lead for campaigns.

"However, it’s important to recognise that for some women getting active outdoors may be more difficult, which is why we want to highlight some of the wonderful organisations who are doing such brilliant work in this space to tackle these barriers, creating opportunities to get out there and enjoy the benefits."

"This Girl Can is all about celebrating women being active in a way that's right for them, and there are so many great ways to get active outdoors."

Kate Peers

Strategic lead for campaigns, This Girl Can

Whether it’s going for a stroll along a nearby canal, enjoying a walk in your local forest or simply exploring your nearest park, there are plenty of opportunities to get active outdoors that are free and accessible. 

The new Let’s Get Out There campaign will raise awareness of some of the barriers preventing women from enjoying the benefits of outdoor activity, as well as spotlighting some of the brilliant groups helping women to overcome these barriers. 

Two women walk side-by-side on a path beside a canal.

As the days get longer and brighter, there’s no better time to get out there – and when you do, we’d love to hear from you.  

Share your own story and tell us what you love about getting active outdoors on our social channels, using #ThisGirlCan and #LetsGetOutThere